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Non -toxic casting compound made from a mineral powder and a water-based resin.

AcrylicOne acrylic resin logo

Create decorative and functional objects, design fascinating color effects, smooth or rough as well as uneven structures and surfaces in an environmentally friendly way because it is water-based
AcrylCast is a standard material for every mixed media artist

Acrylharz schale
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acrylharz terrazzo
acrylharz kaufen

AcrylCast acrylic resin set

Environmentally friendly, water-based casting compound for your art

AcrylCast is a water based resin system and suitable for the production of art & art objects .
Acrylic resin can take any form.
Which means it lends itself to the manufacture of manually sculpted molds and allows an artist to create "one-of-a-
kind" pieces of art .

The acrylic resin is strong and can be used to cast models, replicas, ornaments, scale models, prototypes and more.
The special composition of AcrylCast makes it easy to use , environmentally friendly , fire resistant and has good weather resistance properties , looks like ivory stone and is as hard as composite .
Easy to color with water-based pigments to give it a special look.
Crystal Clear Epoxy Resin and Crystal AcrylCast for unique works of art.
Discover the new casting and create amazing objects with
Crystal AcrylCast .

UV resin application examples
UV resin application examples
acrylharz dekoration
acrylharz kaufen schweiz
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acrylic resin Switzerland
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